The Saiki K series is a manga and anime series that follows the lives of several characters with unique abilities. This article provides a list of all the characters in the Saiki K series. Here is a list of all the characters in the Saiki K series, including their debut and ending dates.

30. Kusuo Saiki

Kusuo Saiki, the protagonist of the manga Saiki Kusuo no Nan, possesses a variety of psychic talents. He attempts to avoid unpleasant situations wherever possible. His signature look consists of green-tinted glasses and two pink antennas just above each ear; their purpose is to limit his strength. Initially, he is always seen alone, but as the plot develops, he makes friends with his classmates, especially Riki Nendou and Shun Kaidou. In the live-action adaptation of the series, Kusuo was portrayed by Kento Yamazaki.

29. Riki Nendou

The boy Riki Nendou is obedient and dimwitted. He enjoys assisting others and putting their needs first. In the series’ live-action adaptation, Arai Hirofumi portrayed one of the series’ primary characters, Riki. READ MORE: Dragon Ball Top 7 Strongest Characters, Age, Zodiac Signs, Height – Know Your Favourite Characters

28. Kaidô Shun

Shun, the self-proclaimed leader of The Jet-Black Wings, believes that The Dark Reunion, an evil organization, oversees and controls the world and its events. He is an outcast in his class and enjoys showing off, yet he frequently becomes cowardly in risky situations. However, he will put himself in danger for individuals he cares about in a dire situation. Shun is one of the series’s primary protagonists. In the live-action film, he was played by Yoshizawa Ryo.

27. Teruhashi Kokomi

Kokomi Teruhashi is an important character in the series that she is a part of. She is a student in Saiki Kusuo’s class, and both women and men will frequently stop what they are doing and stare at her because they find her quite lovely. In the live-action movie adaptation of the series, Hashimoto Kanna gave her performance as the character.

26. Hairo Kineshi

Kineshi Hairo is a fellow student of Kusuo’s in class 2-and serves as the class representative. The other students have a lot of faith in him because he always puts others before himself and takes the lead. Kasahara Hideyuki plays the role of one of the series’ major characters, Kineshi, in the live-action adaptation of the series. Kineshi is also one of the series’ supporting characters.

25. Saiki Kuniharu

Kuniharu Saiki is the spouse of Kurumi and the father of their children, Kusuo and Kusuke. Tanabe Seiichi played the role of Kuniharu in the live-action adaptation of the series, which included the character as a supporting cast member of the show.

24. Saiki Kurumi

As well as being the mother of Kusuo and Kusuke, Kurumi Saiki is also Saiki Kuniharu’s wife. In the live-action adaptation of the series, Uchida Yuki plays the supporting role of Kurumi, one of the supplementary characters in the show.

23.Yumehara Chiyo

Chiyo Yumehara is a dreamy and sweet girl, yet she has been through many heartbreaking love situations.

22. Kuboyasu Aren

Aren Kuboyasu was a troublemaker in his last school, and Kusuo, Shun, and Touma are the only ones who are aware of this fact. Aren is an important supporting character in the anime, and Kaku Kento played Aren’s role in the anime’s live-action adaptation.

21. Toritsuka Reita

Spirit Medium Reita Toritsuka is the second psychic to be presented in the manga and anime. She is the second character of her kind. He is now enrolled at PK Academy’s second year of the two-year program. READ MORE: All Arcane Characters List Appeared In League Of Legends

20. Mera Chisato

Kusuo is friends with Chisato Mera, who is also one of Kusuo’s classmates. Waitressing is one of her responsibilities at Cafe Mami, where she works half time.

19. Takahashi

First appearing in Asou Shuuichi’s One Shot Volume 0 in the role of the thief who stole everyone’s wallets, Takahashi made his debut in that volume. Nendou Riki was made to look like the thief, but Saiki Kusuo convinced him that he was in the wrong by using his abilities to make him feel guilty. As part of a running comedy in the program, the other characters seem to ignore him rather frequently.

18 Tanaka Ichirou

Ichirou Tanaka was the young man who attempted to steal money from Kaidou. Also referred to as Boy with Glasses.

17 Kokomi Teruhashi

Kokomi Teruhashi is considered to be one of the series’ primary protagonists. She is a student in Saiki Kusuo’s class, and both women and men frequently stop what they’re doing to stare at her because they find her incredibly lovely. In the live-action film adaptation of the series, she was portrayed by Hashimoto Kanna. READ MORE: Jujutsu Kaisen Top 7 Characters List, Age, Zodiac Signs, About – Know Your Favourite Characters

16. Akechi Touma

When Kusuo was in elementary school, Touma Akechi was a fellow student in his class and one of the very first friends that he made. His knowledge of Kusuo’s abilities makes him the third student at PK Academy to be aware of them.

15. Anpu

After Kusuo came to his rescue, he began paying Kusuo’s family regular visits to win over Kusuo’s devotion. During one of his attempts to seduce a female cat named Pushi, he enlisted the assistance of Kusuo, pretending to be a different cat and going by the name Psi. Later on, after Anpu had saved him from being bitten by a cockroach, Kusuo petted him after she saw how grateful she was to her.

14. Sawakita Kouki

Chisato Mera is a student at the same school as Kusuo. Waitressing is her job at Cafe Mami, where she works half the time.

13. Manabe Baiku

Baiku Manabe instructs Kusuo, Shun, and Aren. From his appearance to his words, but especially his passion for bikers, he’s a gangster. He assumed Shun and Aren couldn’t earn a license owing to their lack of skills, but their excitement for motorcycling prompted him to educate them.

12. Saiko Metori

Metori Saiko is the heir apparent to the prestigious Saiko Conglomerate, which he helped build. After falling in love with Kokomi while in the city, he eventually decided to enrol in PK Academy and complete his education there. The fact that he is wealthy, arrogant, and obstinate are the characteristics that define him.

11. Jouten Manako

Japanese Voiced By: Azusa KataokaEnglish Voiced By: UnknownAge: UnknownHeight: UnknownWeight: UnknownAnime Debut: Season 2 Episode 7 Manako Jouten is now serving as the head of the Newspaper Club at PK Academy.

10. Kaidou Toki

Japanese Voiced By: Yukiyo FujiiEnglish Voiced By: UnknownAge: UnknownHeight: UnknownWeight: UnknownAnime Debut: Season 2 Episode 17

Toki Kaidou is Shun’s younger brother, and he has a great deal of respect for his big brother’s achievements, including the fact that he was able to save the world and head a gang. After boasting about himself, Shun made all of these claims, each of which was, in reality, an exaggeration.

9. Iridatsu Yuuta

Yuuta Iridatsu is a young gentleman who lives in the area. When his balloon was blown up to a high altitude, Saiki Kusuo was the one who saved him by catching it.In subsequent chapters, he developed feelings of attachment to Kusuo and Kokomi. He is one of the few people aware that Saiki possesses special abilities, but he does not realize that Saiki is a psychic.

8. Saiki Kumagorou

In addition to being the grandpa of Saiki Kusuo and Saiki Kusuke, Kumagoro Saiki is indeed the husband of Saiki Kumi, the father of Kurumi, the father-in-law of Saiki Kuniharu, and the father of Kurumi.

7. Nakanishi Kouta

Chouno Uryoku, also known as Kouta Nakanishi, was married to Nendou Riki’s mother. During that time, he went by the stage name Chouno Uryoku. Muro Tsuyoshi plays the role of one of the series’ main characters, Kouta, in the live-action adaptation of the series. Kouta is one of the series’ most important characters.

6. Makino Arisu

Occult Club is a group that Arisu Makino is a part of. She was first depicted as having a sinister and menacing appearance, but Chiyo’s influence caused her to transform into a different persona. She currently utilizes a variety of hairdos, selecting one that is suited to the environment at the time.

5. Matsuzaki

Both the school’s physical education instructor and the school’s guidance counselor report to Matsuzaki. When Kusuo first meets him, he describes him using the phrase “good policeman bad cop,” implying that he will play the latter’s role. He inspires both dread and hatred among the student body. Kusuo has formed the opinion that Matsuzaki-sensei isn’t as awful as he seems and is, in fact, a reliable ally for students with a low level of self-confidence such as himself.

4. Ikemi Kazuya

Uryoku introduces him as Michael (Mr. Ike) when Kusuo sees them performing on the street. After failing their act, Ike wasn’t handed the promised money because they didn’t earn any from passersby. He became Uryoku’s assistant.

3. Warp

Warp is a robotic cat that Saiki Kusuke created. It is able to imitate the movements of a real cat completely. It has artificial intelligence and speech recognition capabilities and can carry on basic conversations.

2. Kaidou Sora

The younger sister of Shun, Sora Kaidou, is known simply as Sora.

1. Agawa

Agawa is the Baseball Club’s top pitcher. He has dominated the competition.


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