You’ll go running, and then you’ll want to percentage AppData and then percentage it. And then you’ll quickly go to Appdata, local low, scroll all the way down, and then go to VR chat once your VR chat is ready to go. They are in the cache folder. I’m going to delete them from the game. I’m not going to read any of them here. Is going to your cache folder and erasing them now, and I’m going to log off and back in for it to work. As you can see, it has already been erased. The initial avatar will be loaded as soon as I log back in. When it made the planet load, or anything else. This one, right here, should be my avatar. Another thing you can do with timestamps is learning about avatars. They’re OK in there. Let’s get started on re-uploading into your account. So you’ll hot-swap them by going into Unity. Let’s get started on a new project. So, we’re now in the cache folder. And you’d like to have their avatar. It’ll most likely be this one to_ You have data; therefore, you can name it whatever you want. Is it a dot B or a CA? That’s what you want to do, and you’ll cut and paste it to the desktop in Unity. You’ll navigate to assets and load your chat’s SDK. All links will now be in the description. You will download the asset bundles extractor, and we will look for a file. We’re going to crack it open. We will, indeed, unpack it. We’ll call it whatever we want. What you want to do if you don’t know what you want to do is alter a file that you created. You’re in search mode with Notepad++ because you’re looking for the Avatar ID. Discover the ID will begin with a VTR You now find it. It’s right in front of you. A ZTR, and then you’ll start with line one, line 234, and it’ll stop on the fourth one right here, so you don’t have to do the. The rest of the part is just this ID for now. You could make your own small text. As a result, this will be the old one. And we’re going to do something for a new one, and I’m going to show you how right now. once there was oneness, You want to add a descriptor, so right-click, create empty, and enter the descriptor. You may search for it in DS, and now we’re going to upload it. It wasn’t much, but you’re going to get Avatar ID. Here’s where you want to enter in the name you want for your avatar, and then click OK to upload it. We want to look for that ID once it’s posted. So you’ll be the content manager. You’ll look for the avatar to hear this. You want to copy the ID, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. So you want to change the order to the new one. And this is how you go about it. This copy of the previous one you want to search for, do you really want to replace it? You? Do you want to find the old one and exchange it for the new one? When you want to replace everything and then save it. Make your way to the acid extractor. Now we’ll compress it and move on to the next file. Open it and choose the one with the most megabytes, thus this one, then click on LVM, and then we’ll call it the custom V RCA. OK, next we’ll run and their percentage temp percent, and then we’ll go back to default firm. When you look at the default company file, these are your unity folders, and you’ll click on the one you created. As a result, we’re going to leave us alone. Now you’ll return to Unity and publish the same blank avatar again. And here’s where you’re going to wait on this screen before swapping. This is the one. With this one, for example. It should be replaced. After that, you upload it. There you have it; yep, guy, an avatar upload into a different account until next time. See you now. Another suggestion is that you could. Upload a Load Bundle addon, which allows you to see what you’re downloading before you go through the complete procedure. You go back to the cache folder to make it function. We search for the Avatar and Bunchy, then dot the RCA. I saved it on my desktop. You’re going to right-click on the desktop now. You’ll copy this now to enable the loaded bundle game object at the component and then search for it to load. And right here is where you’ll paste the address that we just copied. And then you go here, slash one dot ERCAT mobile, and then you hit play. There you have it, and you can preview it as well as your avatar before uploading it.