Dragon Ball Super is the sequel to ToyoTarou’s Legendary Dragon Ball manga, which was written and illustrated under the supervision of Akira Toriyama. It is markedly different from Toei Animation’s anime and is now advancing with the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga. Vegeta coerces Granola into eating the Seznu Bean in order to regain his full power since Granola, Goku, and Vegeta are now preparing to confront Gas and Heaters. Gas exhibits a new form that resembles his normal shape but differs slightly in terms of eyes and physique. This new form has been dubbed “Berserker” by fans. Gas regains his composure at the start of this chapter. Gas is either gathering all of his dispersed power or working on his way prior to beginning another round. In any case, it is the Saiyans’ responsibility to maintain order. How recently did Goku’s father do this feat? Scroll down to learn more about Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81 Spoilers, Release Date, and Where to Read Manga Online.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81 Count Down

Note: If the Counter is stopped, the chapter is already released.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81 Release Date

According to sources, Dragon Ball Chapter 81 Super is scheduled to be released on 20 February 2022. This will be the year’s opening chapter.

Pacific Time: 9 AM oCentral Time: 11 AMEastern Time: 12 noonBritish Time: 5 PM

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81 Spoiler Prediction

The upcoming Dragon Ball Super chapter may result in a confusing conflict. Gas is rushing towards Goku and Vegeta, oblivious to Granola. This indicates that he is involved in a three-way conflict with each of them. This spurt of energy, however, will pass swiftly. With Elec having unlocked Gas’s seal and unleashing Gas’ true strength on Granola and the others, things are about to get very difficult for our heroes. Almost certainly, a whole squad consisting of Goku, Vegeta, and Granola will be required to battle this new maximum power Gas. We’ll have to wait and see what occurs in the coming month. Gas reverts to his adult form, his muscles shrink, but he retains his horns on his brow and a new costume (just like the old one). Elec declares, “Excellent Gas. That is why you are the universe’s best little brother. Now, eliminate them “‘. Gas nods his head as he glances at Elec. He can now control his Berserk state. At the time of writing, no big spoilers have been disclosed, although Shueisha has promised previews soon.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81 Spoiler Countdown

Tower Of God Chapter 530 Spoiler, Raw Scan, Color Page, Release Date One Piece Chapter 1040: English Raw Scan, Release Date, Spoilers, & Everything You Want to Know Note: If the Counter is stopped, the chapter Spoiler is already released.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81 Spoiler Release Date

At the time of writing, Chapter 81 spoilers had not been released. These spoilers typically begin to circulate on the internet three to four days before the official release date. They can be discovered on Internet communities such as 4chan and Reddit. As a result, we anticipate that this week will be available on 18th February 2022.

Dragon Ball Chapter 81 Raw Scan Countdown

Note: If the Counter is stopped, the chapter Raw Scan is already released.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81 Raw Scan Release Date

At the time of writing, Chapter 81 RAw Scans had not been released. These raw scans typically begin to circulate on the internet three to four days before the official release date. They can be discovered on Internet communities such as 4chan and Reddit. As a result, we anticipate that this week will be available on 17th February 2022.

Recap of Dragon Ball Super Chapter 80 Summary

It begins with introducing Gas, Granola, and the other characters. Gas charges up, declaring that he will figure out Granolah’s next move. He sprints towards Granola, and as he vanishes, Gas recognizes his whereabouts and fires laser eyes at him. Granola vanishes once more, and Gas believes he is being followed. He kicks Granola back to the ground, causing all the pebbles around Gas to explode. He denies Gas rest and drives him away. Macki and Oil are concerned as Oil discusses how Gas is losing skills. Thus, he was able to temporarily overwhelm Gas by creating multiple clones. On the other hand, Gas blasted lasers from his fingertips. Granola was the sole survivor after all the clones were destroyed. He did, however, seize control and shoot a direct beam at Gas, who flew away. On the other side, Granola’s physique was seriously harmed. Granola’s genuine body felt the attack of each clone as though it were a real person. Gas fell into a coma during this time period. As he floated, a magnificent aura began to emanate from his body. The remainder of the party was taken aback by the spectacle, including Goku, Granola, and Vegeta. Granola then appears in front of Gas, claiming to have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, and fires a tremendous finger beam at Gas. The Heaters are stunned as the Gas is sucked into the sea. Macki and Oil pursue him while Goku cheers. Granola is weary, as any damage inflicted on the clones is also felt in his true body.

Where to Read Dragon Ball Super Chpter 81?

You can read Dragon Ball chapters on VIZ’s website or else English manga portal Mangaplus.

More About Dragon Ball Super Story

Dragon Ball Super is the most recent edition of the Dragon Ball franchise, which began in 1984 with the original Dragon Ball. The plot, written by Akira Toriyama and illustrated by Toyotarou, follows Goku and his comrades through the ten-year time jump following Majin Buu’s defeat. After decades of slumber, Beerus reawakens. Beerus, along with his teacher and angel’s assistant Whis, is on the lookout for a prophetic Super Saiyan God warrior who threatens to destroy the Earth if he loses himself. Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Unborn Pan convert Goku into the Super Saiyan God while he is still in the womb. Goku is fighting and losing to Beerus, yet he spares and saves him. As a result, while Goku and Vegeta train alongside Beerus and Whis, the surviving members of Frieza’s army gather the Dragon Balls in order to resurrect Frieza. Frieza reappears on Earth a few months after resuming life and education in order to seek revenge on Goku and Vegeta. Goku and Vegeta are vanquished despite the new Golden Frieza transformation, having mastered the Super Saiyan Blue transformation. Despite this, Frieza commits suicide by blowing up the Earth, but Goku is able to destroy Frieza due to Whis’ ability to reverse time. Later, Lord Zen from the present and Lord Zen from the future host a Power Tournament including fighters from eight of the twelve universes. Lord Zen is the first of its kind to be held on the globe. Both Kings, however, proclaim that the tournament worlds will be annihilated. Friez is reunited with Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin, Android 17, Android 18, Piccolo, Tien, and Master Roshi after being momentarily rejuvenated. They square off against other universe’s greatest fighters, such as Jiren of Universe Eleven’s Pride. During the struggle, Goku develops a new form called Ultra Instinct, which enables him to attack and flee without thinking. Jiren is defeated by Goku and Frieza at the conclusion of the event, leaving Android 17 as the victor. He restores the erased universes by the use of a Super Dragon Balls’ wish. Additionally, it is provided. As a result of his efforts, Frieza’s army is regularly resurrected and rebuilt. With Goku no longer being able to employ Ultra Instinct, he and his companions have resumed their normal lives.