What is Monster Hunter Rise?

Monster Hunter Rise features 14 weapons, each with its own style, movements, and purposes. The weapon you choose will significantly impact how you play the game and interact with each creature. While this provides an expansive experience, it may take some time to zero in on the weapons that are best suited to your battle style. Choosing weapons in Monster Hunter Rise is similar to selecting a class in other games, except that it is far more versatile, as weapons can be changed between hunts. While you may enjoy Monster Hunter Rise when using the hammer, you may despise it when wielding the dual swords. Fortunately, this is something that you can — and should — experiment with while playing. In our Monster Hunter Rise weapons guide, we’ll assist you in selecting a weapon and provide a quick overview of each.

Monster Hunter Rise Best Weapon for Solo

It enables players to hunt a large number of the game’s creatures alone or in groups. That being said, having the best weapon available is critical when exploring in solo mode since you will be facing some of the game’s most deadly enemies alone. Now, to assist you in preparing for any encounter, you’ll require a weapon optimized for single-player Monster Hunter Rise. Monster Hunter Rise features a variety of single-player weapons for both the Nintendo Switch and PC editions. Each weapon is capable of dealing with great damage, attack, and defense in a unique way. Continue reading to discover the finest Monster Hunter Rise weapon for single gamers.

Monster Hunter Rise Solo Weapon Tier List

B-Tier- These weapons are masters at delivering powerful strikes, which beginners find difficult. It does not always lose to other weapons in terms of its true potential to do severe damage.A Tier – The A-Tier weapon strikes a good mix between power and maneuverability. Its success is not contingent upon the type of task or creature encountered.S Tier – Weapons in this category are easily capable of consistently delivering powerful impacts. Despite its initial difficulty, it can develop into a powerful weapon with practice.

Monster Hunter Rise Solo Weapon

1. Sword and Shield (Strategic Bash-and-Slash)

The Sword and Shield are included on this list of the best solo weapons for Monster Hunter Rise because you can use items while drawing the weapon. Thus, rather than sheathing your gear, racing around, and slamming Y to quickly consume a potion, you can just guard and use an item with ZR+Y. Genshin Impact: Nameless Treasure Guide – Locations & Solutions – Where to sell Nameless Treasures? Why Is Roblox Not Working 2022, How To Fix Roblox Error 2022? Guarding, shield hammering, and sword slicing are only a few of the functions of the Sword and Shield. It provides you with a variety of combat skills with which to deal with the monster at hand. Both arms can be utilized in a variety of ways to remove monster materials, allowing you to get the most out of each hunt. Descending the Ore Tree’s branches is an excellent alternative for Sword and Shield lovers. Your solo weapon becomes even more effective against monsters with increased sharpness and quick access to helpful effects such as Sleep and Poison along column five, enhancing its versatility. The Sword and Shield may be quickly drawn and sheathed, allowing for seamless transitions between offensive and defensive tactics. Apart from its restricted reach, there are no significant downsides to usage.

2. Hammer (Heavy Bashing)

Not only are the Hammer’s charge movements highly powerful, they can also be employed while traveling, allowing you to wait for your opportunity to strike. Delivering a blow, then retreating and repeating the technique until you receive a stun will deal massive damage. The Hammer embodies brute force in Monster Hunter, transforming you into a one-warrior army and unquestionably ranking among the game’s strongest solo weapons. You can do a great deal with the Hammer’s basic X and A attacks, crushing portions as you strike, but when combined with its charging feature, it becomes far more powerful. Additionally, it has a number of disadvantages. To begin, it’s a slow-moving build, with particularly challenging initial contact hits. The timing of the basic and charged attacks requires some adjustment, but the Hammer quickly becomes one of the best solo weapons in Monster Hunter Rise due to its high damage output and knockdown capabilities.

3. Long Sword (Speedy Slashing)

The Long Sword is frequently considered the best option; in truth, it serves as the franchise’s flagship weapon. It’s simple to use and has the potential to do serious hurt; all you have to do is swing until the cost metre (Spirit Gauge) fills up, then unleash a barrage of hard hits in rapid succession. The Long Sword is as simple to wield as it is to grasp. Additionally, it has a range of depth. During fights, the Long Sword will slash through a large number of monster supplies, and its attacks are varied and swift enough to be an effective choice against the majority of enemies. Additionally, because the Swings of the Overhead Slash (Xfirst) are vertical, the Long Sword may attack floating foes. One of the advantages of the Longsword is that it does not require any special expertise to do harm. This enables you to stack pure-DPS skills and deal significant damage. Quick Sheath is a lovely piece of medication to have overall, but it does not restrict your other options, which is fantastic. Each upgrade to the Long Sword is significant, and your pick should depend on your preferred hunt, but the Bone Tree stands out as the greatest overall. While supplies are relatively inexpensive to obtain and provide immediate access to standing components, they have a lower attack value than the main department.

4. Dual Blades (Hack-and-Slash)

The Long Sword is frequently considered the best option; in truth, it serves as the franchise’s flagship weapon. It’s simple to use and has the potential to do serious hurt; all you have to do is swing until the cost metre (Spirit Gauge) fills up, then unleash a barrage of hard hits in rapid succession. The Long Sword is as simple to wield as it is to grasp. Additionally, it has a range of depth. During fights, the Long Sword will slash through a large number of monster supplies, and its attacks are varied and swift enough to be an effective choice against the majority of enemies. Additionally, because the Swings of the Overhead Slash (Xfirst) are vertical, the Long Sword may attack floating foes. One of the advantages of the Longsword is that it does not require any special expertise to do harm. This enables you to stack pure-DPS skills and deal significant damage. Quick Sheath is a lovely piece of medication to have overall, but it does not restrict your other options, which is fantastic. Each upgrade to the Long Sword is significant, and your pick should depend on your preferred hunt, but the Bone Tree stands out as the greatest overall. While supplies are relatively inexpensive to obtain and provide immediate access to standing components, they have a lower attack value than the main department.

5. Hunting Horn (Buffs and Bashing)

The Hunting Horn is a force to be reckoned with both offensively and defensively. When it comes to having a well-balanced attack and defense, the Hunting Horn is one of the most well-balanced weapons in the game. While many people regard the Hunting Horn as a secondary weapon for group hunts, it is one of the greatest solo weapons of all time. The Hunting Horn may also be utilized as a self-buff and a powerful battle weapon, effectively transforming it into an improved Hammer if you become used to it. You’ll make a significant contribution to your squad with this weapon, making it a must-have in co-op. While the Longsword is easy to employ alone (through sheer harm), the Horn offers a bevy of different defensive options that make it a breeze to utilize!

6. Lance

The Lance is the game’s finest defensive weapon. You’re armed with a huge shield and a long lance, which you can use to jab or swing at a monster. By selecting the Lance, you effectively become the team’s tank. The arsenal of this weapon is built around utilizing defensive stances to absorb strikes and counterattack with a forceful counterattack. The fundamentals of this weapon are straightforward enough that anyone can pick it up. While its playstyle may be tedious for some, it is unquestionably the safest weapon to pick up if you are not adept at dodging enemy attacks.

7. Switch Axe

The Switch Axe, like the Gunlance, is a fusion of two weapons: a sword and an axe. Unlike Gunlance, the Switch Axe, on the other hand, can be switched between its two modes. This weapon’s Axe mode emphasizes on powerful swings that fill up your Switch Gauge. Once it is fully charged, you can convert to its Sword mode, which is a fairly swift weapon capable of performing some devastating combinations. This weapon is intended to allow players to switch between the two modes. You cannot continue utilizing or remaining in a single mode. While it may appear to be somewhat hard to use, it is actually quite simple. The majority of its combinations are simple, so you won’t have to worry about messing it up. If you’re searching for some sick combinations and an intriguing playstyle, this is the weapon for you.

8. Gunlance

Gunlance is created by combining the explosive power of a cannon with the Lance. Despite its resemblance to a rifle, the Gunlance lacks ranged capabilities. It is still a melee weapon at its core. This weapon is the ideal combination of offensive, defense, and explosiveness. It possesses a number of moves that center around the use of its shells to inflict damage on monsters. This is an excellent weapon for individuals wishing to get up close and personal with monsters. This weapon bears a strong resemblance to the Lance in many aspects. It’s a little trickier to operate than the Lance, but that’s part of what makes the Gunlance so enjoyable to use.

9. Charge Blade

The most intricate and difficult weapon in the game. When it comes to picking up the Charge Blade, players are truly on their own. For newbies, playing this weapon will be challenging since it demands you to master its combos before you can use it efficiently. Like the Switch Axe, this weapon has a sword and an axe mode, but its sword mode is more akin to the Sword and Shield than the other sword weapons. This weapon is extremely tough to use and should not be attempted by beginners. However, suppose you devote sufficient time to learning and mastering the Charge Blade. In that case, you will be rewarded with the game’s most powerful and extravagant weapon.

10. Bow

When it comes to raw damage output, the Bow is the best weapon in the game. It inflicts a large amount of damage in brief bursts. Despite being a distance weapon, you’ll almost always find yourself in harm’s path when utilizing the Bow. Consider a shotgun. You must move closer in order to do more damage. While the Bow is rather simple to use due to the lack of difficult combos, it isn’t as effective early on. You’ll need specific equipment, items, and armour sets to get the most out of it. The majority of these are obtained later in the game. Therefore, it may be prudent to put it off for the time being and return to it later.

11. Insect Glaive

Are you an ardent supporter of aerial combat? Then perhaps the Insect Glaive is the ideal weapon for you. This weapon is a two-bladed staff that has a lovely tiny insect companion known as a Kinsect. These Kinsects function in conjunction with the weapon to enable lethal combos. Its mechanics will take some time to get to, but once you do, you’ll find yourself effortlessly evading enemy strikes while inflicting damage from above. There is a great deal of potential for outrageous damage with the Insect Glaive. However, it is not as accessible to newbies as some of the other weapons.

12. Light Bowgun

The Light Bowgun is the simplest of the 14 weapons to use. If you’ve ever played a shooter, you’ll understand how this weapon works. Additionally, it features a number of ammo types, each of which serves a unique purpose and deals varying degrees of damage. As with the Hunting Horn, the Light Bowgun’s damage and supportive qualities make it an excellent choice for solo and multiplayer play. Additionally, you have a special ammo type known as Wyvernblast, which is essentially a mine. Excellent for constructing traps against creatures. If you enjoy keeping a safe distance between yourself and the monster while reducing its health, this is the weapon for you. Additionally, it works well against monsters that can KO you if you come too close, such as the Rajang or Valtrex.

13. Heavy Bowgun

This weapon functions similarly to the Light Bowgun but considerably slower. Despite the loss of mobility, this weapon compensates with damage. Each shot fired by this weapon is lethal. It can fire the same types of ammunition as the Light Bowgun. It does, however, feature two unique ammunition types known as Wyvernheart and Wyvernsnipe. Wyvernheart converts your Heavy Bowgun into a machine gun capable of shooting numerous rounds per second, while Wyvernsnipe converts it into a highly effective sniper rifle capable of firing a single shot that delivers massive damage. If you still want to play with a ranged weapon but the Light Bowgun is lacking in firepower, the Heavy Bowgun is worth a try.

14. Great Sword

This is possibly the most well-known weapon in all of Monster Hunter. Many players who begin playing Monster Hunter choose the Great Sword as their first weapon. However, in more recent installments of the franchise, the Great Sword was upgraded to an intermediate-level weapon. Not to dissuade beginner players from attempting this weapon, but to use the Great Sword well, you must have excellent instincts and positioning. That’s because the weapon is a little slow and is focused on executing charged combinations. While it is quite powerful, it is also very easy to botch up your combos and miss your attacks. This is especially true if the monster you’re seeking is quite swift, such as the Bishaten or Nargacuga. In general, this weapon is ideal for experienced players who enjoy the challenge of wielding hefty weaponry. Beginners may wish to refrain from utilizing this weapon for a period of time. At the very least, until they gain a better grasp and feel for the game.